level 3 - Building survey
Choose this report if dealing with a large, older or run-down property, a building that is unusual or altered, or if you’re planning major works. It costs more than the other RICS reports because it gives detailed information about the structure and fabric of the property. This service includes
- A detailed visual inspection of the building, its services and the grounds and is more extensive than a survey level two.
- Concealed areas normally opened or used by the occupiers are inspected if it is safe to do so (typical examples include roof spaces, basements and cellars)
- Although the services are not tested, they are observed in normal operation – in other words, they are switched on or off and/or operated where the occupier has given permission and it is safe to do so.
The report objectively describes the form of construction and materials used for different parts of the property. It describes the condition and provides an assessment of the relative importance of the defects/problems. Additionally, it should:
- Describe the identifiable risk of potential or hidden defects in areas not inspected
- Propose the most probable cause(s) of the defects based on the inspection
- Outline the likely scope of any appropriate remedial work and explain the likely consequences of non-repair; and
- Make general recommendations in respect of the priority and likely timescale for necessary work.
The surveyor may also be able to provide an estimate of costs for identified repairs if agreed with you in advance. Ask your surveyor for a detailed ‘Description of the RICS Home Survey Level 3’ document.

Choose this report if dealing with a large, older or run-down property, a building that is unusual or altered, or if you’re planning major works. Level 3 provides the most detailed report.

Choose this report if you need more extensive information for a conventional house, flat or bungalow, built from common building materials in reasonable condition.

Choose this report if you’re buying or selling a modern conventional house, flat or bungalow built from common building materials and in reasonable condition.